Consumer Brands

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  Name Description Additional data
CHG Teat Dip A sanitizing chlorhexidine based teat dip Unique dual action formula with chlorhexidine gluconate and quaternary...
Product Number1205342, 1206783, 1206691
Old Product #ST-80, ST-285, ST-280, ST-281
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Sprayable CHG Teat Dip A sprayable chlorhexidine based teat dip Contains 0.45% chlorhexidine gluconate and 4.25% isopropyl alcohol An aid in...
Product Number1209807, 1201856, 1201900
Old Product #ST-87, ST-185, ST-190, ST-192
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Controlled 1% Iodine Teat Dip A sanitizing 1% Iodine teat dip, NPE-Free 1% iodine, 10% glycerin An aid in reducing the spread of organisms which may...
Product Number1209715, 1202686, 1202891, 1202907
Old Product #ST-201, ST-202, ST-160, ST-161
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Pre-Post 1/2%® A sanitizing pre & post iodine teat dip, NPE-Free 1/2% iodine, 5% glycerin An aid in reducing the spread of...
Product Number1244010, 1244058, 1244157, 1244553
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Teat Shield A sanitizing 1% iodine barrier teat dip 1% iodine, 10% glycerin Forms a film on the teat to prolong protection against...
Product Number1202031
Old Product #ST-203, ST-210
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