Whether you are a small retail shop or a large building service contractor, on-going training is essential for cleaning your facility.  Stearns training posters provide a detailed, color coding system that can reinforce your training efforts.  These posters include mixing instructions, color coded floor layout, and additional precautionary statements. 

Available in English and Spanish.

Posters can be customized to fit your chemical and facilities needs.

Please contact our customer service department for additional details.

GS 5-Point Green Cleaning System, Pathostat 64 
GS 5-Point Green Cleaning Spanish System, Pathostat 64
GS 5-Point Green Cleaning System, Mark E II
GS 5-Point Green Cleaning Spanish System, Mark E II
Quart'r Packs
Water Soluble
Quik Tank Training Guide
Food Service Sanitation

Instruction Sheets

Two sided-8 ½ x 11 version of Stearns Training Posters.  Ideal for training binders and program introduction meetings.

GS 5-Point Green Cleaning System, Pathostat 64 
Instruction Sheet
GS 5-Point Green Cleaning Spanish System, Pathostat 64
Instruction Sheet
GS 5-Point Green Cleaning System, Mark E II
Instruction Sheet
GS 5-Point Green Cleaning Spanish System, Mark E II
Instruction Sheet


View All Dispenser-Free Cleaning Systems

Category: Starter Kits

Introducing the Stearns Inventory Control System (ICS). Easy to distribute. Takes up less space. Inventory Management. Easy Training. No Special Equipment. Durable. Easily customized to your Preferred Chemical Program. Get your cleaning staff started right with the Inventory Control System program. Color-coded products and packaging improves safety and simplifies training, even for the newest member of your cleaning team.


Category: Starter Kits

Yields 130 gallons of end-use product. Filled with a combined total of 70 packs of Stearns top-performing One Packs™. The starter kit also includes:  silk-screened bottles & sprayers, SDS’s, training materials, pack openers, and a mixing hose. 


Category: Starter Kits

Yields 130 gallons of end-use product. A simple way to test the GS 5-Point Daily Cleaning System in one of your buildings, or an easy way to start your cleaning staff on the system. 

Filled with a combined total of 70 packs of Stearns top-performing One Packs™. The starter kit also includes:  silk-screened bottles & sprayers, SDS’s, training materials, pack openers, mixing hose, and instruction book “GS 5-Point Training and Safety Guide”.

* This product meets Green Seal™ Standard GS-37 based on effective performance, concentrated volume, minimized/recycled packaging and protective limits on: VOCs and human & environmental toxicity. GreenSeal.org.


Category: Starter Kits

Yields 45.5 gallons of end-use product. All of the same great products as our larger GS 5-Point Green Cleaning Starter Kit but in a smaller kit. The four “GS” cleaners are all Green Seal® Certified.

* This product meets Green Seal™ Standard GS-37 based on effective performance, concentrated volume, minimized/recycled packaging and protective limits on: VOCs and human & environmental toxicity. GreenSeal.org.


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